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Meet Our Nurse and Health Paraprofessionals:

Tana Kalnbach, RN, LSN (Licensed School Nurse), visits all three elementary schools on a regular basis. Sarah Curtis and Monika Switzer are the health paraprofessionals at Pinewood Elementary.

Licensed School Nurse:

  • assesses individual student health and developmental status
  • promotes and maintains the health and well-being of all students
  • develops health plans for students with chronic health conditions
  • provides health care treatments
  • coordinates prevention and control of communicable diseases
  • develops a system of first aid and emergency care
  • recommends new and updated health policies

Health Paraprofessionals:

Work in the school health office during school hours. They are certified in first aid and CPR. They work under the supervision of a licensed school nurse. Health paraprofessionals:

  • provide first aid
  • administer medication
  • process immunization records

Contact Us:

If you would like to talk about health policies and/or your child's health needs you may contact the school nurse.

Tana Kalnbach, RN, LSN

Health Forms


Health Guidelines: